Fennel Soup

Fennel Soup

Another favorite recipe for both the herb and vegetable version of fennel is fennel soup. If I can’t get fennel herb I use the sprigs of the fennel vegetable and if I can’t get the bulb of the fennel vegetable I use potato to replace that.

Here’s my recipe for fennel soup.

Fennel Soup


2 bulbs fennel
1 litre vegetable stock
1 cup creme fraiche
1 tsp olive oil
salt and pepper


  1. Cut and slice the fennel bulbs into strips.

  2. Heat the olive oil in a Dutch oven

  3. Add the fennel in the oil and fry on a low heat but don’t let it brown you just want to the fennel to be translucent

  4. Add the stock and simmer until the fennel is cooked

  5. With a stick blender puree the soup. If you don’t have a stick blender you can use a blender, food processor or moulin (food mill)

  6. Add the creme fraiche   

  7. Then add salt and pepper to taste

  8. Pour the soup into a bowls and serve with a sprinkle of fennel throngs


French Chef Profile - Sebastien Lutuad


Braised Fennel