French Recipes, Podcast Episodes and France Travel Tips!

Champagne with Kyla Kirkpatrick
Andrew Prior Andrew Prior

Champagne with Kyla Kirkpatrick

Champagne for everybody! Today's episode of Fabulously Delicious is all about Champagne, the drink and the region. It's a drink of so much history but also regarded around the world and one that fabulous people drink whenever they can. So who better to talk to about Champagne then one of the Real Housewives of Melbourne who's been in the France tour business and champagne business for years, Kyla Kirkpatrick from Emperor Champagne. 

Fabulously Delicious is all about French food and French cuisine the people that make it, cook it, taste it, write about it, photograph it, and love it. We chat with Franco foodies here in France and around the world. 

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Agneau de Pré-Salé with Jane Webster
Andrew Prior Andrew Prior

Agneau de Pré-Salé with Jane Webster

Agneau De Pré-Salé are lamb that have been raised on the salt marshes around Mont Saint Michelle in Normandy, France and today we are going to learn all about them from Chateau loving foodie expert the amazing Jane Webster.

Fabulously Delicious is all about French food and French cuisine the people that make it, cook it, taste it, write about it, photograph it, and love it. We chat with Franco foodies here in France and around the world. 

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Chapon with Emily Gaudichon
Andrew Prior Andrew Prior

Chapon with Emily Gaudichon

Around the world, there are different traditions for what to eat as the main meal on Christmas day. In the UK it might be a goose in the USA a turkey and in Australia, we often just throw a shrimp on the barbie. But here in France, most families will sit around the table enjoying a chapon or capon as some call it.  

To help us find out more about this bird we are talking to an Australian chef who's made Paris her home with a young family and who writes for the acclaimed David Lebowitz. Emily Gaudichon is the real Emily in Paris. No, I'm not joking her Instagram handle is the real Emily in Paris and today she helps us tackle all things Chapon.

Fabulously Delicious is all about French food and French cuisine the people that make it, cook it, taste it, write about it, photograph it and love it. We chat with Francofoodies here in France and around the world. 

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Coffee in France with Chris Fone
Andrew Prior Andrew Prior

Coffee in France with Chris Fone

Coffee in France and especially Paris can often have a bad reputation. But it's the Aussie cafe's that have taken Paris and now France by storm and helped to raise the reputation of coffee in France to a new level. Chris Fone owner of The Stray Bean coffee shop in Versaille the palace city of France. 

Fabulously Delicious is all about French food and French cuisine the people that make it, cook it, taste it, write about it, photograph it, and love it. We chat with Francofoodies here in France and around the world. 

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Fouée with Vince Cuce
Andrew Prior Andrew Prior

Fouée with Vince Cuce

In this episode, we Vince Cuce about the Fouée which is a little known French flat bread. Vince is Italian but grew up in Australia then moved to Italy and then France to work. We chat with Vince about his career and family as well as his love of the pizza, woodfired ovens and this amazing flat bread the Fouée.

Fabulously Delicious is all about French food and French cuisine the people that make it, cook it, taste it, write about it, photograph it, and love it. We chat with Francofoodies here in France and around the world. 

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