French Recipes, Podcast Episodes and France Travel Tips!

Jambon Persillé with Shannon Grochowski
Andrew Prior Andrew Prior

Jambon Persillé with Shannon Grochowski

Today on Fabulously Delicious we discuss all things Jambon Persillé a popular dish in France that's yet to take the world by storm like so many other dishes have. Home made or bought from a deli this dish is delicious and here today to talk about it is Shannon Grochowski a French foodie from the US. 

Fabulously Delicious is all about French food and French cuisine the people that make it, cook it, taste it, write about it, photograph it and love it. We chat with Franco foodies here in France and around the world. 

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Ganache Chocolate with Wlady Grochowski
Andrew Prior Andrew Prior

Ganache Chocolate with Wlady Grochowski

Ganache chocolate, we see it on tv or in magazines and online, etc but what is it and where did it come from. In today's episode, we find out from a chocolatier who happens to be a Frenchmen Wlady Grochowski. 

Fabulously Delicious is all about French food and French cuisine the people that make it, cook it, taste it, write about it, photograph it, and love it. We chat with Franco foodies here in France and around the world. 

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