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A to Z of French Herbs - Corriander
Podcast, A to Z of French Herbs, A to Z of Andrew Prior Podcast, A to Z of French Herbs, A to Z of Andrew Prior

A to Z of French Herbs - Corriander

Taste is a fascinating aspect of human perception, as it varies greatly from person to person. It's often said that one person's delicacy is another person's distaste, highlighting the vast differences in individual preferences. The notion that coriander can taste heavenly to some while resembling soap to others is just one example of the intriguing and diverse world of taste.

Throughout the culinary landscape, there are numerous instances where people's taste buds diverge, forming a rich tapestry of unique and often polarizing flavor experiences.

Coriander yes is probably more well-known in Asia or Middle Eastern cuisines but it’s also used in French cuisine.

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