French Recipes, Podcast Episodes and France Travel Tips!

Menton Citrus Festival with Maxime Kien
Podcast Andrew Prior Podcast Andrew Prior

Menton Citrus Festival with Maxime Kien

Recently on Fabulously Delicious, I continued my conversation with Chef Maxine Kien from Boucherie restaurants in New York City. This time with a focus on his place of birth, the French city of Menton and its food, particularly its wonderful food festival, the Menton citrus festival.

When you look at the map of France, if you go to the left you will find Menton on the right Chef Kien says and he fills us in on all things about this wonderful city located on the Cote D’Azur.

Each year the city throws one of the biggest food festivals in France. The Menton Citrus Festival highlights all there is to know about delicious citrus, lemons, limes, oranges, and everything else in between. Chef Kien remembers past festivals that he’s been to as well as their themes. That’s right each year the festival picks a theme to highlight citrus.

Chef Klien discusses all there is to know about Menton and who better to learn from than a Fabulous French chef who used to call the city home.

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Tarte Tropézienne with Beeta Hashempour
Andrew Prior Andrew Prior

Tarte Tropézienne with Beeta Hashempour

The Tarte Tropézienne is a French cake that actually was originated on the Cote D'Azur but has polish roots. So what is the story of this cake and who's the famous actress that helped name it. All these questions and more are answered by a Fabulous French foodie Beeta Hashempour who spends her day inspiring women to live life the French way but in the evening or should I say afternoon is eating delicious gateaux.  

Fabulously Delicious is all about French food and French cuisine the people that make it, cook it, taste it, write about it, photograph it, and love it. We chat with Franco foodies here in France and around the world. 

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