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Fete de Voisins - Le Lucullus Restaurant Montmorillon

Fete de Voisins - Le Lucullus Restaurant Montmorillon

In France, there exists a cherished tradition that brings neighbors together, fostering a sense of unity and camaraderie. Known as Fête de Voisins, this annual celebration takes place every May, where residents gather to honor the bonds they share with one another. In this blog post, we delve into the vibrant spirit of Fête de Voisins and shine a spotlight on our wonderful neighbors, Fanny and Alvin, who run the esteemed Hotel de France and the delectable restaurant Le Lucullus.

Fête de Voisins: A Celebration of Community: Fête de Voisins, or "Neighbors' Party," is a time-honored tradition that highlights the importance of fostering relationships within a community.

Originating in France, this celebration has now spread to various parts of the world. It serves as a reminder that behind every door, there are stories, laughter, and connections waiting to be shared.

Montmorillon, with its close-knit community, embraces this tradition with open arms each year.

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