French Recipes, Podcast Episodes and France Travel Tips!

Sauce Palois
One of my favorite things about French cuisine is its sauces and there is a little-known sauce called a Sauce Palois which comes from the mother sauce Bearnaise but instead of using tarragon, you use mint.
Here is my recipe for a sauce Palois which you can serve on a lovely piece of poached fish perhaps or over some lamb cutlets.

Beurre Blanc
In French cuisine, you can find juniper berries being used in many Alsatian dishes and in particular Choucroute garnie which is French for sauerkraut accompanied with meats. They are also often used in brines for white meats like chicken, turkey, and pork and wild games as well as wild boar.
You can also find Juniper Berries being used to flavor a beurre blanc sauce.
Here’s my recipe

Sauce au Raifort
There’s nothing as simple or delicious as a Sauce au Raifort.
Here’s my recipe.