French Recipes, Podcast Episodes and France Travel Tips!

Mint Syrup
When in France you will often see people drinking syrups or cordials as they love them. More and more people here though are making their own so that they can control the sugar level and of course other nonnatural ingredients.
So here is my recipe for mint syrup.

A to Z of French Herbs - Mint - Menthe
Mint is pronounced in French, as Menthe. Mint is also known as Mentha which comes from the Greek Mintha (Mi-Ta)
It is part of so many herbs we’ve come across in this series, the Lamiaceae or mint family. Which includes herbs like basil, rosemary, sage, oregano and catnip.
Some plants that have fragrant leaves and are called mint are not in the mint family like Vietnamese mint and also Mexican mint the latter actually being a part of the sunflower family.
Mint is found in Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, Oceania, and North and South America.