French Recipes, Podcast Episodes and France Travel Tips!

Onion Johnny
Podcast, A to Z of French Herbs, A to Z of Andrew Prior Podcast, A to Z of French Herbs, A to Z of Andrew Prior

Onion Johnny

The Roscoff Onion is a culinary treasure hailing from the coastal town of Roscoff in Brittany, France. Renowned for its subtle sweetness and distinct pink hue, this onion variety has graced the tables of gourmands and chefs alike for centuries.

We can't overlook the indispensable role onions play in French cooking, especially in the iconic Soup L’Onion, a beloved classic that epitomizes the heartwarming essence of French comfort cuisine.

But what about the indispensable role they’ve played in French culture? Well, the Onion Johnny is a great example of how important the simple, eye tearing, vegetable the onion is. It might be a staple in many recipes and cuisines around the world but to French culture it’s iconic.

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French Onion Soup
Recipes Andrew Prior Recipes Andrew Prior

French Onion Soup

French Onion soup is a beloved dish that has a rich history and numerous variations. It is a classic soup that is made with caramelized onions, beef broth, and bread, and is usually topped with melted cheese. While its origins are unclear, it is believed to have originated in France and has since become a popular dish worldwide.

The history of French Onion soup dates back centuries. Some believe it originated in ancient Rome, where a similar soup made with onions was popular among the working class. Others suggest that the soup was first created in the 18th century by French farmers who had access to plenty of onions and beef broth.

French Onion soup quickly gained popularity in France and became a staple of French cuisine. Over time, the soup has evolved, with various regions of France putting their own unique spin on the classic recipe. One popular variation is the Lyonnaise version, which is made with chicken broth and is topped with a crouton and poached egg. Another variation is the Provençal version, which is made with a mixture of beef and chicken broth and is topped with grated Parmesan cheese.

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Onion Soup with Beth Fuller
Andrew Prior Andrew Prior

Onion Soup with Beth Fuller

Onion Soup or Soupe du onion as the French would say is a classic French dish that I love to make. So today it's the topic of our Fabulously Delicious episode today and who better to talk all things onion than someone who loves it as much as I do. Beth Fuller is a fabulous food photographer with a love of French food and all things Onion Soup.

Fabulously Delicious is all about French food and French cuisine the people that make it, cook it, taste it, write about it, photograph it, and love it. We chat with Franco foodies here in France and around the world.

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