Violets du Toulouse with Jessica Hammer

Season Two - Episode Seven

Flowers in culinary use are not unique to French cuisine but used around the world. In France, though it's taken to a whole different level with everything from syrups, tossed in salads, cremes, confit, sugared and candied. Today's episode of Fabulously Delicious is about one of those flowers used in cooking here in France the Violets du Toulouse. 

Talking to us about the Violets du Toulouse is a resident of Toulouse and fellow food tour guide Jessica Hammer. We chat with Jessica about every the violet as well as life in Toulouse and growing up on a blueberry farm. 

Fabulously Delicious is all about French food and French cuisine the people that make it, cook it, taste it, write about it, photograph it, and love it. We chat with Franco foodies here in France and around the world.


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