Pain D’Epice

Pain D’Epice

One of the most popular uses of Anis Vert in French cooking and the way I found the ingredient Is in the Pain D’Epice a French spiced bread/cake that is often served with fois gras at Christmas.

Here is my recipe for pain d’epice.

Pain D’Epice


250g honey
250g all purpose flower
100 g of powdered sugar|
1 tsp of baking powder
1 tbsp green anise
1 tbsp ground ginger
1 tbsp of allspice
1 tbsp freshly grated nutmeg
1 tbsp cinnamon powder
2 eggs
10 cl of milk


  1. Preheat the oven to 160°C

  2. Heat the honey in a saucepan on medium to low heat

  3. In a bowl mix the flour with the baking powder, sugar and spices

  4. Add the hot honey stirring with a wooden spoon

  5. Gradually add the eggs one at a time, then a little of the milk to amalgamate everything.

  6. Pour this mixture into a well buttered cake or loaf pan

  7. Bake and cook for an hour or until a skewer comes out clean

  8. Remove from the oven and then unmold the gingerbread when it has completely cooled

  9. Wait at least 24 hours before tasting it but it will keep for a week, wrapped in aluminium foil


A to Z of French Herbs - Herbes de Provence


A to Z of French Herbs - Anis Vert - Green Anise